In order to publish articles of great relevance to the global botanical community, and considering the large volume of articles received, Acta Botanica Brasilica has been adopting an increasingly strict policy of initial selection of manuscripts, that is, the selection made by the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors. This initial selection is mainly based on the following criteria: i) general quality, ii) scientific relevance and iii) potential for impact. The overall quality is assessed mainly by the correct use of the English language, text organization, the depth with which the subject is addressed and by the quality of the figures and tables. The scientific relevance and the potential for impact are based on the idea that the work submitted to ABB cannot be “one more”, but must be “The work”. Generating knowledge per se does not justify a publication of relevance. Whenever as possible, proposing thought-provoking questions is important!
When authors publish in Acta Botanica Brasilica they receive additional benefits: